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As I Am


The thoughts of a younger me:

"My lips are too big.

My hair is too thick.

My nose is too wide.

I’ll never attract a nice guy."

But the older I became, I realized that what I once thought were truths were a lie. Truth is, I struggled with my self-esteem for a very long time. Stemming from being an adopted child with an aptitude for nerdy things, my peers didn’t mesh well with me. And as I grew, I began to accept their harsh criticism as my own.

In the deep darkness of this self-hate, there would be a few hopeful glimpses of light that would shine through. It usually came from a teacher or chaperone, but their words always stuck with me. I remember Mr. Wayne saying, “I don’t know, there’s something very special about you. Your future will be very bright.” As you can see, I held on to it.

So when God called me forward, He had to remove the lies and expose the truth. And this time around it wasn’t glimpses of light, but He chose to flood me with His presence. He encouraged me to be sanctified, consecrated, but also myself. He gave me a wonderful bright personality that He desired to use for His glory. I could no longer live in the darkness, when my call was to be the light.

So now, the thing I live by, is that regardless of my past or even the flaws I have now, you must accept me, “As I Am.” I pray that those of you who read this, also accept yourself as you are too.

I mean, you are wonderfully made…

Scripture(s) Meditation:

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Psalm 139:14 NIV

Song(s) Meditation: As I Am by 1K Phew feat Jonathan McReynolds

To listen to today's song meditation, click here.

Reflection Question(s): We invite you to discuss below.

What were some lies you once believed that God shed His light on? What were the truths you discovered? How has it been coming out of who you thought you were and into who God called you to be?


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