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“The Cono Sto”


I still remember those days when my mother would give my siblings and I a few dollars to go to the "cono store." I would take my few dollars, get some Krunchy Kurls, a juice, now and laters and a star crunch! And on days where I was feeling a little fancy I'd get the big bag of chips and a soda too lol! As a kid it was something so exhilarating about that experience that provided me with so much joy. How could something so simple bring such a refreshing?

There are some things we lose as we transition from a child to an adult, that need to be lost. As an adult you don't think or speak as a child anymore, but there are some things we lose that need to be brought back. Simplicity is one. Could it be that many of us find ourselves depleted on this walk with God because we overcomplicate things? Could it be that we just need to go to the "cono sto" to experience the refreshing we seek?

Think about it, everything you would ever need is located at the "cono sto." But it does require you to locate that younger version of yourself that saw the beauty in simplicity. That version of you that once longed and desired to go to the place where joy and peace could be found. It didn't take a million sermons, prayer calls or fasts to get you there. It was the joyful memories you had in such a simple place that kept you coming back.

Today, I want to speak to that adult that has become so tirelessly wrapped in being overly complicated. I want to encourage you to let down those heavy burdens and take a walk to the "cono sto." I promise you that God will meet you there, and He will supply all your needs. But you first, have to get there.

Scripture(s) Meditation:

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬-‭29‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Reflection Question(s): We invite you to discuss below.

What were some experiences you can vividly remember about the trips you took to the "cono sto"? If you never had a "cono sto" experience, what in your childhood represented that place for you? What were some memories you had there? How can you equate that place to the secret place you have with God? What burdens will you lay aside to make the place where you meet God one of simplicity and of pure joy and peace?


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