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God's R&R


Truth is, all resistance doesn’t come from the enemy. Some resistance, is God sent. For what purpose, would God resist us? Well, when we take a prideful stance before the Lord, we take off our christ-like image and assume that of the enemy. And it is written, that God resists the prideful. But, it is also through God’s resistance, that many of us shift back into proper alignment.

In the story of Jonah, we encounter this truth. He found himself running away from God’s presence, because of pride. As a result, he encountered a great manifestation of God’s resistance, in a storm. It was in this very storm, that Jonah realized his mistakes. Where his disobedient nature, was roused to the true sovereignty of God.

Deep in the belly of the whale, he was brought into a place of rest and repentance. While in this place, he then received the salvation of the Lord. For many of us, we too must enter into a period of rest and repentance, to experience salvation from God’s resistant storms.

May we all humble ourselves before the Lord.

Scripture(s) Meditation:

““God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.””

I Peter 5:5 NKJV

“This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.”

Isaiah 30:15 NIV

Song(s) Meditation: Me Again by J. Moss

To listen to today's song meditation, click here.

Reflection Question(s): We invite you to discuss below.

Define pride. What are the areas in your life currently, that cause you to take a prideful stance before the Lord? In what ways, will you humble yourself before him?


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Dec 13, 2023

Pride is anytime I try to exalt myself over others or over God. Such as thinking I am better than someone, or trying to take control of what God is in charge of (everything) in my life. In any way where decisions need to be made or planned, I sometimes take a prideful stance before the Lord. So, anytime a worry comes up regarding what I’m gonna do because of such and such situation, I cast it down and Holy Spirit reminds me that God is handling everything for me. As well as whenever I get a thought or feeling that I am above others, I cast it down.

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